
The Bolivarian Society of Quebec is a non-profit activist organization that aims to defend the Bolivarian Revolution in America and the principles of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America through the dissemination of its principles and contributions to the world. Inspired by the emblematic figure of Simon Bolivar, liberator of South America, we firmly believe in the union of peoples within our America. One of our objectives is to strengthen the links between Latin American struggles and those that are being forged in Quebec.

We are concerned about two key issues

1. Solidarity with revolutions in Latin America.We show our support for the processes of economic and social transformation that are currently developing in countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. We also support the struggles for self-determination of indigenous peoples, who actively defend the rights of Mother Earth for the establishment of a socialist system with ecological foundations. Finally, we advocate initiatives of integration and international solidarity such as ALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America).

2. Opposition and resistance to neoliberal expansion.We compromise ourselves to denounce and act against the oppression of peoples, the repression of divergent ideas and the criminalization of social movements. We also oppose the exploitation of our continent’s wealth for the benefit of transnational corporations. We are particularly concerned about mining mega-projects that destroy local ecosystems and economies.

Main campaigns

Bolivarian circles.This campaign seeks to spread the ideals of the revolution in Latin America, to stimulate discussion about history and current events, as well as to promote political education through the formation of exchange and action groups.

Inter-community/international exchange workshops.This initiative aims to deepen solidarity within the Americas and promote mutual inspiration in our struggles. We firmly believe that direct contact between people will increase resistance to the media and our governments that distort reality and affect the views of our peoples. International solidarity is a great force against imperialism and neoliberalism that degrade our living conditions and break our fundamental rights such as freedom of expression.

The Bolivarian Revolution on screens.The screening of documentaries is part of our ongoing campaign to broadcast Latin American political news in Quebec, in collaboration with Cinema Politica Concordia, Cinema Politica UQAM and other student and cultural groups within the province.